The Source

Resources on King

Celebrating the many resources of King Records — Check out other people and places that continue to share the story of King Records.


Cincinnati, 1943, courtesy of Chris Smith, Cincinnati Public Library


All Photos courtesy of King Studios/Xavier University (unless stated).
All illustrations by Jason Snell (unless stated).


Inside Brewster’s King Records studio, Photo courtesy of King Studios/Xavier University

"What happened at King couldn't have happened in New York or Los Angeles. Cincinnati always had one foot in the North and one in the South, with access to blacks in the industrial cities as well as the Appalachians"

Robert Santelli

The Rock Hall's historian and noted blues writer


Thank you Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr.

The Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr. Foundation embraces the passion and commitment that the Hailes’ had for communities on both banks of the Ohio River and their desire to advance the quality of life for our region. As a private family foundation, we are honored and humbled to represent Carol and Ralph in helping to change our communities for the better through collaboration and innovation.

The Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky region has a rich tradition of arts and culture. We are proud of our unique and diverse array of assets—from internationally recognized performance companies to installations of public art, from our iconic music hall to the many local community arts centers.

The Foundation values the advancement of the arts as both a vocation and as a contributor to the vibrancy and economic vitality of our communities. We support a broad variety of art forms, programs that support arts education, capacity building, innovation in programming, and audience development. Developing a more sustainable funding model for our arts and cultural assets is a priority for the Foundation and is reflected in the leadership role we play on behalf of the sector.

Photo courtesy of Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra